Main Entry: com·mit·ment
Pronunciation: k&-‘mit-m&nt
Function: noun
An agreement or pledge to do something in the future; especially : an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date b : something pledged c : the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled <a commitment to a cause>

LukeCamp - Commitment Letter

Commitment Letter:

Parent or Guardian to complete a different letter for each Camper.
I understand and I agree to pay for LukeCamp with my commitment, hard work, positive attitude and a desire to learn and have fun! Further, I agree to obey the policies and guidelines listed on the back of LukeCamp. LukeCamp cost $1,250.00 for one camper to attend for the entire summer. I understand that I am receiving a scholarship for $1,250.00 making it possible for me to attend LukeCamp.
All of my questions have been answered
I commit to the above and will be able to attend 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or all 10 weeks of LukeCamp this summer. Circle one.


LukeCamp Camper:
The Luke Project, Inc. OFFICE USE ONLY FIELD